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 Royal Luxe Transport Co. [Gang Application]

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Los Santos Police Department

Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-08-11

Royal Luxe Transport Co. [Gang Application] Empty
PostSubject: Royal Luxe Transport Co. [Gang Application]   Royal Luxe Transport Co. [Gang Application] EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 10:30 pm

Name of leader:Alejandro_Newport

Level of leader:6

Does leader of 500k in bank:Yes. 400k in Bank 100k on Hand

Rank system ((Names)):

R3:Expert Driver

Gang Story (At least 1000 words):
Everything Began in Los Santos some Guys from the Downtown University needed cash to Afford all the things they ever wanted. But how? They started selling small cars like Sentinels and Buffalos. Then when they reached the 1.000.000$ Million Mark they entered the Tough Bussines of V.I.P Transport. And so on in 1994 there was a massive car trading since the fall of the wall but it was to hard since they had to get all the Cars from Cuba. They started making Money and they bought every they wanted like Cheetas, Sultans, Houses in the Hills, But that Bussines is some Hard stuff The 2 man got Killed in San Fierro by Some paid hitmans.. One of those Guys.. Was Jose Bulleck also Known as My Dad. I want to keep the Bussines Running... Only the best drivers will be Accepted. We are not Afraid to shoot the Law.



First members (at least 3):


Do you understand all the rules:I agree with all the rules

Who is Co-Leader (R5):Probably Jox Colle or Nabee_Mohk

Does Co-Leader have 500k in bank: I think they both do.. Maybe Nabee Does..

Now.. My turn.. I have made a Shop of services you can buy from my Organization

Royal Luxe Transport Co. [Gang Application] 2d2ejq9

~~Welcome to the Royal Luxe Transport Co. Shop!~~

Current Items on Stock:

- Normal vehicle ride : 100$/Every 25 Mins

- Special V.I.P Ride: 1500$/Every 10 Mins (Includes Limousine)

- Los Santos Tour: 500$/Per Passenger

- Private Car Transport: 250$/ Every 10 Mins(Includes Special Cars)

- Expert driver Getaway car: 950$/Per Location (Includes Special Bulletproof Cars and Expert Drivers)

To get one of Our Services.. Include your Name, Address and Phone. Or stop one of Our drivers in the City.[/SIZE]


((People Banned from our Service..))

Do not dare to steal my idea.
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Royal Luxe Transport Co. [Gang Application]
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